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Jeff Miller
Feb 23, 20214 min read
What’s next for CBD in Food Service?
One major trend that always seems to come up when discussing the next big thing in food service is CBD. CBD is Cannabidiol, commonly...

Jeff Miller
Feb 9, 20213 min read
Why Ready-Fire-Aim Doesn’t Work When Targeting Foodservice
One of the really cool parts of my job is that I get to speak with so many people in different facets of the industry. Many of them are...

Jeff Miller
Jan 26, 20213 min read
Foodservice Trends to Watch for 2021
Flavor & The Menu magazine does a wonderful trend forecasting issue every year, and this year I was honored to be among the distinguished...

Jeff Miller
Jan 12, 20215 min read
6 challenges facing foodservice R&D and Culinary departments in their innovation
What is your definition of innovation? I ask this question in presentations and get a variety of great answers. Some say it is a new,...

Jeff Miller
Dec 15, 20203 min read
Do you really know how your customer views you as a supplier?
How do you define your relationship with your customer? Do you think you have a strong, high-level relationship? If you asked them,...

Jeff Miller
Dec 1, 20205 min read
An inside look at what it takes to sell to big chains
If you’re in business development, marketing or sales, you may be interested in an inside look at what it takes to sell to big chains....

Jeff Miller
Aug 25, 20205 min read
Does it have to take so long to bring products to market at big chains?
Many of us started in restaurants where if you wanted to have a new menu item, you could design it and test on the menu on the same day! ...
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